World Suicide Prevention Day

„According to the latest research by the „Journal of the American
Veterinary Medical Association”, in the last three decades, the risk of
suicide among this group [veterinarians] is 3.5 times higher than in the
general population. It is reported than one in four veterinarians has
experienced depressive symptoms or other types of emotional disorders (anxiety disorders, professional burnout, etc.) in their life. This is definitely more than in other professional groups.”

September 10. was designated by the WHO as World Suicide Prevention Day. Knowing that this is a significant problem in the environment of veterinary practitioners, we would like to remind you to take care of your mental health from the beginning of your studies,
maintaining a healthy work-life balance. You are the most important
person in your life and you must take care of yourself first. It is you and
your health, not your studies and work, that should come first. If you feel as if life is getting harder for you, do not hesitate to seek help from
specialists. You can get such support at the university and outside it,
and we encourage you to use it! In the Instagram post and on the
website, the links to which can be found below, you can read more
about where to look for help, but also how to support people around you.

Take care of yourself!

  1. Psychological help at WULS:
    2. Crisis Helpline: 116123
    3. More information and help for people experiencing mental health
    crisis and their relatives:
    4. The recommended Instagram post:
    5. The quoted article (from „Magazyn Weterynaryjny”) :,syndrom-samobojczy-wsrod-lekarzy-weterynarii-mit-czy-rzeczywistosc?fbclid=IwAR0Le0Yoi_0ztg5sUUlYS8V3rkzp0nPmNoWVyIVLWp2CUUf0GCJlSMHkIcU
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